Education in eco-friendly and zero waste
Education in eco-friendly and zero waste is key to building a sustainable and responsible society in today’s world. These areas are becoming increasingly important as we face increasing environmental problems such as pollution, climate change and the depletion of natural resources.

HEI organised a series of trainings in these areas during the months of February and March 2023. More than a hundred participants took part in seminars in Nitra, Bratislava, Banská Bystrica, Žilina, Trenčín, Košice and Prešov.
The following topics were also discussed at the events:
Why should public administration institutions support priority events that try to be ZeroWaste as much as possible and emphasise a sustainable economy?
1/ It is a clear and visible support for protecting our environment and managing the principles of a sustainable economy.
2/ Every community should begin to be diluted as responsibly as possible to a sustainable economy, and state administration institutions must set an example.
3/ It is setting standards for organisers of public events.
4/ It is an educational function with which we educate not only the organisers themselves but also the guests of these events.
– The “Manual for event organisers” is free of charge and prepared by the HEI cluster in cooperation with the Institute of Circular Economy based on the latest standards and documents from EU regulations.
– free of charge “Categorization of the level of the organiser of public events” also developed by the HEI cluster and the aforementioned Institute.
– free of charge, the auditing team, which will perform an audit at the event site, whether all the requirements and conditions of both the Manual and the Categorization are complied with. The audit team has a nationwide scope and prepares a control report for the state administration institution on the performed audit.
Why is this cooperation beneficial for citizens?
Citizens will receive a guarantee that every event in the village/city/region will be as ecological as possible and have as little burden as possible on the environment and nature. They will be assured that the event was authorised but also controlled by experts and based on professional standards and recommendations according to the latest trends and sustainable economy guidelines in accordance with EU regulations.

Why is this cooperation beneficial for the HEI cluster?
Because the cluster has been trying for several years to appeal to higher standards and start efforts for Zero Waste behaviour of organisers and event visitors and emphasising sustainable economy at such events, cooperation with state administration institutions is precisely the one that can accurately and purposefully influence organisers and visitors through the adoption of the Manual and Categorization by state administration institutions and their conditional compliance when organising events.